Friday, June 22, 2012

ICT IV (Lecture VI) 2012

Working With window

What is a Window?
            A window is a rectangular area of the screen in which you view program folders, files, or icons.

Opening Windows
            To open a window from an icon, double click the icon.  You can also use a shortcut menu to open a window. Just point to the icon and click the right mouse button, and a shortcut menu appears. Select Open on the shortcut menu, and the icon opens into a window.

Using Scroll Bars
            Scroll bars appear along the bottom and right edges of a window when text, graphics or icons in a window take up more space than the area shown.

Sizing a Window with Maximize, minimize, and Restore

            You may want to increase the size of a window to see its full contents, or you may want to decrease a window’s size to make room for other windows. One way to resize a window is to use the Maximize, Minimize and restore commands.
            The Following list defines the purpose of each of these buttons and commands.
       Select the Maximize button or command to enlarge the window to its maximum size.
       Select the minimize button or command to reduce the window to a button on the taskbar.
       Select the Restore button or command to return a window to the size before it was maximized. (The restore button or command are available only after a window has been maximized.)

To maximize, minimize, or restore a window with the mouse, click the appropriate  button. To maximize, minimize, or restore a window with the keyboard, follow these steps:
  1. Press Alt + Spacebar to open the window’s Control Menu.
  2. Select the Restore, Minimize, or Maximize command from the menu.

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